Mastering (the art of) Business English

Przez kurs przeprowadzi Cię  Luke Ponsford

Nadaje się do słuchania

Enhance your business English skills in a broad range of situations. Build your confidence and deepen your knowledge of the phrases, expressions and techniques native speakers employ when negotiating, making small talk or participating in a discussion. Pełny opis

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1:06 godz.

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Tematyka kursu

Do you wish to expand your knowledge of business English? To feel more self-assured using English in a business context? Would you like to discover a range of expressions, structures and techniques that will make your business English richer, more fluent and more engaging? Do you want to discover how native speakers communicate when doing business and add these techniques to your repertoire? If the answer to any or all of these is yes, then this is the course for you.

In this course we’ll extend your knowledge of business English to ensure you have the words and techniques to give you a sense of confidence when communicating in English in a work environment, whether you’re participating in a discussion, negotiating or making small talk.

By the end of this course, you’ll be able to both employ and understand a wide range of more complex, but useful expressions native English speakers use in a variety of different business situations. This will ensure you’ll be in possession of greater confidence, fluency and accuracy when using English in a business context.

More specifically you will learn how to:

  • meet and greet, make small talk and build rapport
  • agree and disagree, express dissatisfaction
  • negotiate and be persuasive
  • check understanding, paraphrase and get your point across
  • manage conflict, raise difficult points, deal with difficult questions
  • say no and avoid saying no

As a special bonus, there is an e-book with all the phrases, expressions and structures.

This course is for everybody who:

  • wants to expand their knowledge of business English
  • would like to feel more confident about their business English
  • wishes to improve their fluency and accuracy when using English in a business context
  • wants to learn more advanced and idiomatic ways to communicate in business English
  • wants to add greater variety to the way they use English in a business environment
Pełny opis
Trenerzy kursu
Luke Ponsford

English teacher and language consultant

Luke is a CELTA-qualified teacher who has been teaching general and business English in the Czech Republic to students of all levels both face-to-face and online since 2009.

Before  becoming an English teacher, Luke studied German and Russian (BA Hons) and Central and East Europe Literature and Culture (MA) at the University of London. He also spent over ten years working in small, medium and large businesses in the UK, often with colleagues who were non-native English speakers.

All of which means he knows which areas can be problematic for learners of English, and is ideally positioned to offer guidance, advice and solutions.

Ocena kursu

96 %

34 oceny

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Michael R.

Excellent, thank you!

David Z.


Peter B.

vyborny kurz, dufam, ze bude mat pokracovanie

Często zadawane pytania
Na zakończenie kursu czeka Cię test, w którym sprawdzisz uzyskaną wiedzę. Po ukończeniu kursu i zdaniu testu otrzymasz certyfikat. Tylko spokojnie: do testu możesz podchodzić wielokrotnie.

Wystarczy uzyskać 80% poprawnych odpowiedzi w teście zamykającym kurs. Certyfikat zostanie zapisany w ukończonym kursie, skąd możesz go w dowolnej chwili pobrać.

To dokument potwierdzający, że dużo nad sobą pracujesz. Pomoże Ci się wyróżnić wśród kandydatów na to samo stanowisko albo zdobyć nowych klientów. Wspomnij o certyfikacie w swoim CV (np. na LinkedIn) lub wydrukuj go i wystaw wśród innych dyplomów.

Tak, lekcje możesz włączać tyle razy, ile chcesz, i to w dowolnej kolejności. Po zakończeniu kursu (niezależnie od tego, czy zdasz test), możesz go powtórzyć.

Mamy nadzieję, że tak nie będzie. Gdyby tak jednak było, gwarantujemy Ci wzrot pieniędzy bez podania przyczyny, w ciągu 14 dni od zakupienia kursu.